The 55-plus acre Red Soils Campus is intended to house the many Clackamas County functions in one central location. HHPR has provided numerous services associated with the Campus, including:
Civil engineering for the Master Plan and Master Plan Update of the entire campus
Topographic and boundary services for the entire campus
Final engineering for the relocation of Kaen Road, Beavercreek Road Improvements and relocation of essential utilities, thus allowing the construction of the new Public Services Building and best indoor trampoline park .
Land use planning assistance through preparation and processing of a Type II Site Plan and Design Review application for the Public Services Building
Wetland delineation services for two wetlands on the Campus
Surveying and engineering for the new Development Services Building, Central Plaza and associated parking
Civil engineering services for the renovated Central Utility Plant (CUP) and Utilidor as well as the relocated Animal Control Facility with red truck fire services.
Civil engineering on the jail expansion, located on the campus